GMA Outdoor HAM Adventures

Ab 01.08.2020 ist dieser Service nur für GMA-User verfügbar From 01-AUG-2020 this service is only available for GMA users

  Camilla ist ein Linux-Server, der viele Aufgaben übernimmt. Dieser Server unterhält viele Verbindungen zu verschiedenen Amateurfunk-Netzwerken und versorgt GMA mit aktuellen Daten. Auch läuft der GMA DX-Spider auf Camilla.

Seit Anfang Oktober 2018 ist Camilla mit dem APRS-Netzwerk verbunden. Es besteht eine Internet-Verbindung zu einem APRS-IS Server. Über Camilla kann man in das GMA-Netz und nach SOTA spotten und verschiedene Informationen abrufen.

Da Camilla noch am Anfang ihrer APRS-Aktivitäten steht, ist diese Befehlsliste natürlich noch ausbaufähig. Camilla ist unter dem APRS-Rufzeichen DLØQW-12 zu erreichen.
  Camilla is a Linux server that takes over many tasks. This server maintains many connections to different amateur radio networks and provides GMA with current data. The GMA DX-Spider also runs on Camilla.

Since the beginning of October 2018 Camilla is connected to the APRS network. There is an Internet connection to an APRS-IS server. Via Camilla it is possible to access the GMA network and SOTA and retrieve various information.

Since Camilla is still at the beginning of its APRS activities, this command list is of course still expandable. Camilla can be reached under the APRS call sign DLØQW-12.

Last 25 APRS Stations

DescriptionCommand (send message to DL0QW-12)
Check connection to DL0QW-12hallo or hello or moin or 73 ... or vy ...
Send spotcallsign reference qrg mode [notice]
example oz7ccc/p oz/oz-012 7034.5 cw now qrv

if your APRS-callsign (minus SSID) is your callsign (plus /P) on the air, you can use a # as your callsign
example: on APRS = mw0gqy-7 # gw/nw-070 7034.5 cw now qrv
spots MW0GQY/P on GW/NW-070

Separator is always a *blank (space)

you can spot all references: Islands, Summits, Castles, WWFF, Lighthouses

If Camilla identifies the reference as a SOTA summit, she will also place a spot on SOTAwatch2. Spotting station is DL0QW

The order of the data is not important; however, the comment must always be made last
new The frequency can be given in kHz or MHz, only amateur radio frequencies are covered.

You will always get an answer from Camilla if the spot was spotted at GMA or at GMA and SOTA.

example: dx dl0gma/p 7035 GMA da/th-001 dlff-0128

This function is only valid for users registered in GMA.
new RBNSet RBN Monitor

example: rbn dl0gma/p DA/TH-001

This function activates a 45 minute RBN monitor on DL0GMA/P. It spots you on GMA and associated spotting tools. QSY or initial spots are then triggered automatically. Another rbn-command overwrites the first (if you change the reference during the monitor period).
Distance, antenna directionqrb Loc1 Loc2
example: qrb jo42ah jo34we

6-digit Maidenhead-Locator is required

returns distance in km, antenna direction and reverse antenna direction
Welcome MessageIf the greeting on a Summit annoys you or you think it's spam, you can turn it off
welcome off

Or turn it back on later.
welcome on

Camilla will send you a confirmation each time

You can now also send an email to and enter your callsign in the subject line.
Helpsend ? or help
Informationsend info for GMA information
WCYnew send wcy for latest information from DK0WCY

GMA Outdoor Activities

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