Latest Alerts

New Alert :  standard | extended  
25 Mär 1600-2000  KFF-3860 cw  K3ESCalling CQ POTA  
25 Mär 1800-2000  EAFF-0537 cw  EA8RM/PCW QRP  
25 Mär 2100-2355  JAFF-0216  JF7RJM/1
26 Mär 0000-0230  JAFF-0216  JF7RJM/1
26 Mär 0600-1100  JAFF-0233  JF7RJM/1
26 Mär 0730-1015  FFF-2373 7-14-ssb 7-14-cw  F5NLX/Palso POTA FR-5668
26 Mar 0900  EAFF-1381 ssb, data  EA/LB0OG/P
26 Mär 1100-1600  EAFF-0065 14044-cw 14244-ssb  EA8/DL7UZO/PQRP 10 Watt !
26 Mär 1100  EAFF-0071 14061 18085 21061 24905 28061-cw 21244-ssb  EA8/DL2DXA/PEAFF-0071, VCAN-0893
26 Mär 1100  EAFF-0071 14061 18085 21061 24905 28061-cw 21244-ssb  EA8/DL2DXA/PEC8/GC-071, VCAN-0893
26 Mär 1200-1600  GFF-0187 ssb, cw  G4ELZ/PQRP 5 Watts
26 Mar 1300  LUFF-0013  LU1HAKBANDS 10, 20 and 40 mt
26 Mär 1330-1600  KFF-5809 cw  N3RN14/21 mHz
26 Mär 1400  EAFF-0675 18086 21062 24905 28044-cw  EA8/DL2DXA/PEC8/GC-046
26 Mär 1430  EAFF-0675 18086 21062 24905 28044-cw  EA8/DL2DXA/PEAFF-0675
28 Mär 0730-1015  FFF-3802 7-14-ssb 7-14-cw  F5NLX/PWCA F-07828
28 Mar 1000  DLFF-0398 60-40-30-20m-cw  DL3NM/Palso DLFF-0398
28 Mär 1200-1600  EAFF-0064 14044-cw 14244-ssb  EA8/DL7UZO/PQRP 10 Watt !
30 Mar 1300  LUFF-0027 ssb  LU4CICbands 10 and 40 mts. UTC time aprox.
30 Mar 1300  LUFF-0151 ssb  LU4CICbands 10 and 40 mts. UTC time aprox.
18 Apr 2000  HCFF-0004 ssb, cw, data  HD8GInformations:
25 Apr 1700  XEFF-0078 ssb, cw, data  4A1RBNApril, 25-27th 2025 First Time Activation
03 Mai 0600-2355  HLFF-0203 80-10m, cw ft8 ssb  DS1TUW/2IOTA AS-090
04 Mai 0000-2355  HLFF-0203 80-10m, cw ft8 ssb  DS1TUW/2IOTA AS-090
05 Mai 0000-2355  HLFF-0203 80-10m, cw ft8 ssb  DS1TUW/2IOTA AS-090
06 Mai 0000-0020  HLFF-0203 80-10m, cw ft8 ssb  DS1TUW/2IOTA AS-090
WWFFalert Version 0.0.10 fm 04-Feb-2021